
Dear Nyana,

There’s a very good chance that you will never see this, after all, we’re 12 years apart. Once you grow up, I wonder if this letter will ever meet your eyes. Maybe this letter will get lost in the depths of the internet but maybe this letter actually did reach you. You do seem like the curious type of sister, after all.

Manny Pacquiao Quote: “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and  those who humble themselves

Your brother is in his first year while writing this letter to you. It isn’t too horrible, but the stress can definitely get high sometimes. I would tell you to avoid the things that I’ve done throughout my life and especially throughout this year, but I want you to learn the hard way, after all, that’s how these lessons stick with you. That’s how they stuck with me. I want you to go through the days where you stay up all night to finish an assignment, or study for weeks for an exam and end up with a grade you don’t like. I want you to be humble, because in a world full of egotistical people, those who are humble will be exalted.

I’ve put in some of the pieces I’ve written this year Nyana, just for you to see how writing can allow you to be your most passionate self. Writing doesn’t hurt you, writing doesn’t discriminate, writing doesn’t make fun, because writing is just you. You are in your writing and that’s what I’ve been able to learn this year and I hope to extend this knowledge to you. Writing provides the story of who you are, the difficulties that you’ve gone through and the feats you’ve accomplished. This idea was one I was so unfamiliar with but my piece named How Naive I Was was my first chance into being able to truly write about my life without holding back. I was able to write away the chains that held me back from embracing my own past. That piece was meant to ask why. “Why did they still criticize me?”, I was always questioning that part of my life in my head (Welwin). But reflection brought in so much clarity to me. Reflect Nyana, reflect on your past even if it hurts, to make sure that you can be set free. This piece of mine is my absolute favorite from this year. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to freely write what my mind keeps stowed away ever and this piece was my first experience with that. Vulnerability is incredibly scary and I know you might not feel the comfortability to do the same as I did. But I extend the same notion I hold, that once your vulnerability can unlock a new part of yourself that you didn’t know before. I hope you consider reflecting once in a while to see how you see your own past. I promise you won’t regret it.

Jim Carrey Quote: “The truth will set you free.”

I wonder if the saying, “The truth will set you free” still applies while you’re reading this. The truth can really tell you so much but sometimes you need to find it yourself. I really love how flexible writing is, where my first piece was about my past and the last piece I wrote this year involved finding why we are so divided as a country over politics. Unfortunately, I’m guessing there’s still problems with politics and according to the results I got from my research, it should even be increasing, especially with the “invisible enemy” slowly increasing over time (Welwin). I wonder if you can find out what the invisible enemy truly is. But I want you to remember to never be okay with how the world is around you. Question the people, the ideologies, the notions, so you can find out the truth that sits right with you. It definitely will be difficult as you research into something you might be fond of and there is a very good chance that you hit a wall along the way, with no other visible path to go along. But you will have people around you to guide you, to help you get over your blocks and obstacles. Make sure you make use of those given to you, because they can be the most help along your journey.

Writing is really hard. I’m just gonna tell you straight, writing is really really hard sometimes. But the difficult things in life provide you with some of the most unique and plentiful joys you’ve ever experienced. I’m asking you to trust me on this one, as your big brother. Trust me when I say writing away your problems can really sometimes work (not all the time though). Read through my stories, learn the path I took, and remember that writing is you. The one thing that can really live forever that is part of you is your writing. And also remember that I’m here to talk to you too you know. Anyway, bye now, talk to you soon.

Your big brother,

Eric ;<)