Part 1

The idea of this research question stems from different aspects of my own personal life and how I have been exposed to the consequences of political differences. Some of the narratives I’ve been exposed to have been around in my own personal life. My own family has been split between the two parties, where I’ve been subject to the arguments from those who declare themselves as Democrats and those who declare themselves as Republicans. I know that debate is healthy for a democratic society, but I also know America does not simply “debate” with each other. Americans fight viciously like lions through their words to show what they believe in, rather than calm conversation. I know that since the beginning of the creation of the two major political parties, their ideals have completely switched to what they are now. I know that political differences have caused disorder in society, going as far back as the Civil War and presently to events like the invading of the Capitol. There have been presidential debates where the candidates simply insult each other without truly discussing the change they want to create and how superficially, we can see how it affects how people perceive others.

 I have been taught to see all people equally, no matter what their ideologies may be, but there is always some bias towards/against people based on one’s own beliefs. However, I’ve learned slowly to take in information from not just one source, but many combined in order to attain the full political picture. I obtain information from different new outlets, information coming from times in history, YouTube videos of events related to political differences, and opinions of the people. I want to be able to discover the correlation between these evident differences and to what extent it affects how people perceive each other, especially those who associate themselves in opposing political parties. I want to find more evidence of political differences that created strife in our society and more historical evidence of this happening over a long period of time. Through this research, I hope to shed light on the effect politics has made on the people of society, creating a divide in the country.